Reference Standards – Search, Select, and Custom Request

This video will show you how our new Search, Select, and Custom Request tool will help you immediately determine whether a catalog reference standard will suit your needs.

More than 1/3 of the ampuls that leave Restek’s facility are custom-ordered reference standards. However, we are actually able to satisfy many of the custom requests we receive using off-the-shelf catalog products—with less waiting and lower cost.

This video will show you how our new Search, Select, and Custom Request tool will help you immediately determine whether a catalog reference standard will suit your needs. If so, a click will add it to your order or quote; if not, simply proceed through the form to request a custom reference standard for some or all of your compounds of interest.

Hướng dẫn cách tìm và chọn chuẩn Restek

Liên hệ: Đại lí Restek tại Việt Nam - Công ty TNHH Thiết Bị Khoa Học Sinh Hóa ViNa

Phạm Ngọc Hà (Ms)

HP: 0368855031



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  • cole
  • BUCHI new LOGO
  • Restek